Call for Submissions


Abstract Submissions should include:

Title and precis of the abstract (100 words)

Nomination of format – oral presentation (15 minutes including Q&A), workshop (1 hour)

Abstract describing the subject of the presentation (350 words)

Biography (350 words) with a headshot photograph of the author (jpeg)


This year, the 10th Art of Good Health and Wellbeing International Arts and Health Conference will continue to explore “Mental Health and Resilience through the Arts”as the overarching theme, with three specific areas of focus:

1. Mental Health and Creativity
2. Health and the Arts in Hospitals, Healthcare Services and Health Promotion
3. Creative Ageing

Session Themes:

Health and the Arts – presentations will inform healthcare administrators and health professionals about best practice arts and health programming and environmental design in primary and acute care, community health and health promotion.

Creative Ageing – presentations will demonstrate the utilisation of arts and health programs in retirement villages, services for older people in the community and residents in aged care facilities, including programs for people living with dementia and Parkinson’s.

Arts and Health Programs in Museums and Galleries and Performing Arts Centres – presentations will illustrate the expanding opportunity for Access and Public Programs in museums, galleries and performing arts centres, in visual, digital, literary and performing arts.

Professional Training for Health Professionals and Artists to gain greater appreciation of the ways in which arts and health lead to health and wellbeing outcomes and the value of medical humanities for professional development and lifestyle balance.

Arts and Health Evaluation and Research – presentations will describe how to measure the benefits and outcomes of arts and health programs and scope international research networks and collaborations.

New Boundaries: Cultural Tourism – explore the opportunities for the arts in promoting health and wellbeing through nature and the environment.

Conference program details, including keynote speakers, will be progressively released on this website and via our newsletter. 

For more details, contact or subscribe to the Arts and Health newsletter on the website.

This conference will interest:
Health & Medical Sectors – Medical practitioners, nursing and allied healthcare professionals
Government – decision-makers and policy advisers in health, indigenous affairs, arts, science, education and training, community health, veterans’ affairs, cultural tourism, the environment and local government
Hospitals, retirement villages, aged care and palliative care facilities – managers and carers
Arts organisations and artists – visual and performing artists, writers, arts and health practitioners
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community representatives
Local Government – community cultural development, aged care, community health services, tourism 
Education – academics, teachers and medical and healthcare colleges
Researchers – health, social sciences, arts
Art Galleries and Museums –  educators and curators
Art therapists  – visual arts, dance, music, drama, expressive writing

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